The new way of urban life and the existence of more amenities have caused more crowds than before and as a result the population has increased and consequently has increased the demand for human needs, one of which is housing. Therefore, to meet the need, mass housing has become common in various dimensions, and in this regard, the increase in price to buy housing, requires maximum use of the level of negotiable infrastructure, which unfortunately the quantity of production exceeds the quality of the builders Is located. A deeper look at the fact that given the cost of housing, which is a major part of a family's capital, most people often think about maintaining and increasing their economic capital, they should use their resources optimally and enjoy. Divide. People want to earn more money and thus a more prosperous life for themselves and their families, but they are often unaware of its essence, the essence of life. Home is a place to gain peace and comfort, which can relieve the daily stress and boredom, and to maintain and improve your health by gaining the positive energy flowing in it, and as a result, prepare for re-effort by rejuvenating your physical and mental strength.Therefore, the home space should have positive and calming energy, much of which is provided by the appropriate architecture in the environment. But many of us do not find peace in this place because we are not in the proper spatial circulation. Feng Shui is one of the practical techniques in designing residential space that is widely studied and used by famous architects in the world today. This technique has its roots in the ancient philosophical school of Dao, which in recent decades in many major universities around the world, including Europe and America has been taught. The Daoists believe that the greatest asset of every human being is his health and longevity, and for this purpose they have invented and designed techniques for cultivating body and soul. According to the principles of this school, human habitation must also have qi energy or the same cosmic energy in order to promote the health of his body and soul there. It is worth mentioning that the source of this energy is the five elements in nature such as water, wood, soil, metal and fire, which are used in a special way in this design style. Sapra Consulting Engineers Company, by using experienced architectural engineers and also specializing in Feng Shui technique, in addition to quantity, also thinks about the quality of residential space design and is proud to have the satisfaction of users of designed spaces in its work record for many years. The most important goal of this company is to improve the quality level of the residential space of dear users. For this purpose, the design method and the principled implementation of feng shui techniques are used in all stages of architectural design.
Nader Kaveh
Consulting - Design - Implementation - MonitoringInterior ArchitectureDrawing Feng ShuiLandscaping
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Nature, as the eternal ecosystem of man, from the beginning with different scenarios of being, has caused the upbringing of the human race and in its changes has left material, spiritual and psychological infrastructures in the personality of the individual. These infrastructures have led to the construction and peaceful interactions between the house of human wisdom and its big house, namely nature, which thinkers consider as architecture with nature in the traditions and history of each ecosystem.
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